11 April 2014

WOW!!! Chelsea Fans Set To Pay Mourinho's £8,000 Fine

Chelsea fans are loving the moment with their favourite manager. They have decided to pay his FA charge fee despite the fact that he his richer than most of the fans. This must be real love

Jose Mourinho has let it be known to all and sundry that should his Chelsea side fail to win the Premier League this season, it will be all Chris Foy’s fault (tongue-in-cheek), for his officiating of Chelsea’s defeat at Villa some weeks ago.

And such is Mourinho’s ability to manipulate his malleable minions, his loyal Chelsea followers are now planning a whip-round for the millionaire manager to help him pay his 8 grand fine for the criticism of aforementioned ref, as tweeted by roving reporter Henry Winter.

Nice gesture, Blues fans, but reckon Mourinho can afford to stump it up himself. Say by looking under his couch.

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