10 February 2014

LIVERPOOL: Daniel Sturridge Blasts Mourinho's Chelsea

Liverpool hitman Daniel Sturridge has hit out at his old club Chelsea for having no belief in him. The Reds forward has banged in 29 goals in 36 games since making a £12m move to Anfield. And he believes it’s all down to Brendan Rodgers having faith in his striking power.

“I was never sure if I’d play as a striker [at Chelsea] because people didn’t believe in me,” Sturridge told the Anfield Wrap.

“I was often asked to play in a different position and to do a job for the team but, having been a striker and then being asked to just flick a switch and play on the wing was always going to be difficult, because mentally you’re going to play the way you always have and I play on instinct.

“I think that now I’m just playing the way that I did as a kid but I’d never had the chance to do that.

“When I was playing as a winger at Chelsea I was over-thinking it because I wasn’t used to doing it.
“It’s about that split second when you have to decide whether you do this or do that whereas now I’m just playing on instinct.

“I’m just doing the natural thing, playing my natural game and doing things off the cuff.

“Like the goal against Aston Villa, it happened so fast that I had to watch a video of it afterwards to see what I’d done.”

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