10 August 2015

NBA: I Would Beat LeBron James If I Were In My Prime - Micheal Jordan

Michael Jordan started shaking his head after the second  question was asked. "This is the ESPN question," he said to his campers in Santa Barbara. At this Q&A session, the living legend repeated the query he'd heard, oh, two or three times before: "If I was in my prime, could I beat LeBron in a one-on-one game?"

The campers cheered. He paused and smiled and let them wait for five seconds. Then he uttered the answer everybody expected: "No question."

If you have even a vague idea of how Jordan thinks, then you already understand that it doesn't mean he doesn't respect LeBron James, it doesn't mean he thinks today's game is awful, it doesn't mean ... anything, really. Jordan thinks he's the best, and he always thought he was the best, and that was a huge part of why he was indeed the best for so long. Perhaps James has surpassed him now, but Jordan would argue against that by talking about the differences between their eras.

This is just Jordan being Jordan, and entertaining some kids while he's at it. If you listen to him when he starts to address it, though, he knew that saying anything about it would be a big deal. I mean, it's a big deal when Hakeem Olajuwon and Bill Laimbeer weigh in. I'm sure he'd give James his blessing for Space Jam 2.

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