10 November 2013

£5,000 Bet: Gary Neville wins Piers Morgan in bet

Former Manchester United defender Gary Neville shot off his mouth on Sunday, and Arsenal fan Piers Morgan called the Sky Sports pundit out on it. Morgan went on to Twitter on Sunday to boom: We [Arsenal] are gonna win 2-1 but if we don’t we are still in front [of Manchester United]!!! Soon after CCN presenter Morgan again piped on the mirco-blogging site to have some banter with Gary Neville: Fancy a £5k bet – all proceeds to @GreatOrmondSt? Faced with a bet for a good cause, G Nev had nowhere to turn, and just like that the beat was wagered. Read the back-and-forth of how Piers Morgan bet Gary Neville £5,000 that Arsenal will beat Manchester United below after the cut.

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