15 January 2014

JOKE OF THE DAY: Patrick Obahiagbon's Speech After Mikel Missed The African Footballer Of The Year

If Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon was to comment on the African Footballer of the year award to Yaya Toure ahead of Mikel Obi, this is what he would say:

“I am maniacally bewildered and flabbergasted at the paraplegic crinkum crankum that characterised the Glo CAF awards culminating in an od oriferous saga cum gargantuan gaga! The jiggery pokery of CAF in crowning Yaya Toure instead of our very own prodigy John Obi Mikel is a veritable bugaboo that must be pooh-poohed by all compos mentis homo sapiens!

 The perfidy and Mendacity of all the apparatchic of sports suzerainty is not only repugnant but also insalubrious!

I said to my self: What an anathematous disdain of the citizenry! What a deprecable descent from the sublime to the ridiculous!

Who will curb the odoriferous excesses of this machavellian and mephistophelean cabal in the Confederation? With this state of affairs, i dare say that African football is swimming in a pestilential aqua with a disastrious terminus ad quem inherently laden with avoidable cataracts, ice bergs and oxbow Lakes. It is sardonic and lugubrious!!!”

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