09 June 2014

RAMIRES: One Of Mourinho's Special Ones

José Mourinho always builds a brick wall around his teams; around players who are 100% committed to their coach, both on and off the pitch. One of them is Ramires, who has come under Real Madrid's crosshairs on the advice of Carlo Ancelotti - the man who brought him to Stamford Bridge.

Although he is extremely grateful to the current Real Madrid manager, it will be difficult for the midfield enforcer to leave Mourinho in the lurch. It is worth remembering what Ramires said shortly after Mou's return to London was announced. He explained that the Portuguese coach had called him to say that he was delighted at the opportunity to finally work together.

"He said that he had always tried to sign me, when he was at Inter and then at Real Madrid, and I'm really looking forward to starting to work with him," assured the Brazilian.

The Brazilian midfielder is one of Mou's on-pitch generals and takes care of one of the most unrewarding tasks at Chelsea: sweeping up everything that comes through the middle, thanks to his enviable physique and the passion he demonstrates as he leaves his sweat and blood on the pitch.

The events in Chelsea's clash with Sunderland this past season speak volumes of the extent to which Ramires and the 'Special One' see eye to eye. The anchorman was guilty of striking Sebastian Larsson in the match and was subsequently slapped with a four-game ban, while Mou was fined by the FA for congratulating the referee after the match, which effectively put an end to Chelsea's Premier League title ambitions, and his fitness coach Rui Faria received a six-game ban for insulting the fourth official. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

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