04 February 2015

Luis Enrique Re-Shaping Barcelona The Real Madrid Way

The restructuring process taking place at Barcelona is week by week showing that in many aspects, the team are beginning to look much like Real Madrid, with the resulting supremacy in attack and confidence in defence.

It is true that Barça are the team that enjoys more possession than any other in Europe, but their latest games seem to reflect a subtle change in direction. Gone are the days when the midfielders were the team's flag bearers.

Little by little, the methodical model crafted and perfected by Guardiola is fading away. Only time will tell if this change is for better or for worse, or if this 'new look' Barça will see the back of the nostalgia felt for Guardiola's although it will be always remembered as one of the best in footballing history.

In many ways, today's Barça has more in common with the Real Madrid team we have seen over the past few years than the 'tiki-taka' Barça of old. Comparisons between Messi, Neymar and Suárez and Real's Ronaldo, Bale and Benzema cannot be avoided.

In Barcelona's midfield, a transformation is taking place making it much the same as Real Madrid's. In big games, with the forwards disconnected from the rest of the team, three midfielders seem insufficient. The big debate in Barcelona is only just around the corner: with the deadly attack force of Messi and Neymar, will we be seeing any day soon a 4-4-2 at Barcelona? What was once considered heresy may soon become a reality.

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